Cisco Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Cisco customer service is ranked #676 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 27.34 out of a possible 200 based upon 146 ratings. This score rates Cisco customer service and customer support as Terrible.


142 Negative Comments out of 146 Total Comments is 97.26%.


4 Positive Comments out of 146 Total Comments is 2.74%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Cisco

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 27.34 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 142 negative comments (97.26%)
    • 4 positive comments (2.74%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.5 Issue Resolution
    • 3.3 Reachability
    • 1.7 Cancellation
    • 3.4 Friendliness
    • 2.4 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Glenn

I have been on the phone with Cisco technical support for an hour and a half now (still on hold). The technician that was assigned the call spent one hour on the phone and all we did was to upgrade to the latest firmware version. He never even looked at the configuration of the router or addressed the VPN issue I opened the ticket for.

After I had to practically beg to get the ticket escalated to a higher tier tech, I was told his supervisor was the only next tier tech available. I called BS on that and am now 20 minutes into hold silence. If Cisco would provide the level of support they had 15 years ago, I would go back to using them exclusively. Since this seems to be the normal experience I get with them now, I generally look at Adtran and Netgear first for solutions and use Cisco as a last resort. Adtran support has proven to be the best for me!

Posted by Prad

Dear Cisco,

My name is Prad from Mitsui E&P Australia based in Perth.

I tried to get some information on our Cisco UC560. Called the number and she forwarded e to another number (I dont knwo the number). I waited for 2 hours and no one was answering the call.

She also gave me a contact no. to call incase I need to call again. I called that number and it says (Your call could not be connected please check the number)

I connected to a chat session with session He told me to call a different number 1 866 606 1866 . When I call this number it says this number is not available.

I have been trying to find an answer since yesterday and no luck. It is frustrating how I have been turned around and passed around while trying to contact you.

I found better response by Polycom. I am almost to decide on changing our phone system to Polycom now.


Posted by LarryM

I purchased a Cisco 890 Series C892FSP-K9 router which arrived with not a spec of technical documentation or software for getting it installed. After two full days of searching their website and trying various recommended procedures without success, I emailed their technical support. I was told that even though the unit was obviously under warranty, it was an enterprise product (even though it was advertised as appropriate for a home office), and I would have to purchase a service contract before they could help me. Since I really wanted to use it, I spent two more days trying to get it working, before sending it back to the vendor. Much of the information on the website was contradictory, so it was difficult to tell if I had ever followed the needed procedures. In retrospect, I think I probably dodged a bullet by getting rid of it. On a scale of 0 to 10, I would rate this company a minus 5. With the poorly designed user interfaces on their products, they have created a technical support nightmare for themselves and their customers.

Posted by Anonymous


I am a customer in South Africa, Kwazulu natal, Richards Bay.

in 2013 we invested approx. 1.5 million rand in Cisco wireless equipment (AP's and controllers) and till date (18 Nov. 2018) this kit has not been activated. The implementation partner Business Connexion has had constant problems in implementing this solution in our production environment and had to constantly load TAC cases with Cisco to assist.

Unfortunately Cisco has thus far failed to see the urgency of this and respond when they prompted. Thus far Cisco has been using my site as an R & D facility for their equipment i.e. When we log a call Cisco engineers will provide a solution - this is tried and usually fails and a another is logged and this has gone on for 2 years now.

This is disappointing support from Cisco but you never to request your PSS cost from me although equipment is still sitting in boxes.

Is there anyone at Cisco than can provide me with support to get this solution work for me so that I can realize my investment. If your Cisco equipment is not compatible with an industrial environment - please confirm and we will write of this amount and opt for some other more predictable wireless solution.

I will await your response. Contact me on

Posted by tim mackey

Cisco after they sold you their product! its the start of your worst nightmare when it starts to fail.

Posted by siva

So my initial feedback gets kicked because of profanity. Maybe that's because that's how terrible your customer service is! Downright rude and completely unhelpful. Had the nerve to ask me if I was American whilst she spoke horrible imcomprehensible English. Will never willingly buy or use your products ever again!

Posted by Hugo V

Cisco logistics is a disaster.
Customer create a request into cisco system. System give a case #.
Then Customer receive many parts, try to verify each related case #
And the initial # not founded. The reason: each department inside cisco "create" new number called RMAxxxx, bla bla bla. Not sense.
At the end, parts around, nobody know why, who order, when.
HP be the other side: employees care for us and change any report to satisface our request and necessary control tools.

Posted by Anas

I have Passed ccna exam last year august 2014. I did not receive CCNA certification on home address yet. Address mentioned on form is correct but still waiting.

Posted by Hugo V

Cisco need some one with brain, simple is that.
When customer created a request, the system give automatic number for follow up.
All fine.
Then deliveries going to customers with others numbers like RMA, track, etc.
But never come with the original system number.
We can't track who did the order, or the unit serial # involve with the case.
Third party deliveries create numbers too but never give the ORIGINAL SYSTEM number.
HP do 100 times better. Listen please.

Posted by Anonymous

Service Request open since over 12 months. After reply from us it takes up to 6 weeks for them to check and reply. This way we are working all the time with them. This is really unprofessional!

Posted by tidal_user

We needed support for our Tidal Enterprise Scheduler. I have been contacting them since last 10 days. Nobody is getting back to the service request. Everytime same crap continues like "we will have someone call you within 2-3 hours or next day". Still trying to get hold of someone. Even escalation doesn't work. customer support ever!!!

Posted by Too

I'am one of the candidate who take CCNA exam about 2 month, i'am very happy that i received my certificated yesterday, but unfortunately i found that my candidate name that was incorrect with my actual identity so i need your assist and help !

Posted by eans

Cisco calls our office main line constantly, at times we get 9 calls per minute. We have called them directly four times to ask them to stop their robocalls. They tell us that are aware of the problem but can do nothing to stop their calls. We are not even a customer of theirs. We have resorted to turning the ringer off our phones. A company that is in communications that cannot even control their own phones. This problem has been going on intermittenly since October 2014. It is now January 2015.

Posted by Anonymous1

Cisco Support is really going down the hill. Current Smartnet agreement, we require a new IPS license. Previously, I was able to receive it within a business day. It's been 11 days waiting! 3 engineers have been assigned/ reassigned to the case. None of them actually responds to my emails and/or phone calls/ voice mails. Very frustrating.

Posted by Anonymous

I was debited twice, up to the sum of 3200USD instead of 1600USD...Thought I did the Transaction Twice with the and I got the responde that the First transaction failed...the payment is for MY CCIE SP Exam.
I need cisco to revert back the 1600USD back to my account. but they are not recheable for more than 3 days now.

Posted by UnHappy Customer common name for

Cisco Ea-6500 Router No Help At All For Customers. Runs As Fast As You Can Away From This Brand, They Are Croock. They Charge To Help You Do Anything!!!!!!

Posted by Dissatisfied user

After I moved to my new apartment, I contacted Cisco to help me set up my wifi since I couldn't find the disk to do so myself. I was on the phone with the guy for over one and a half hours, for an issue that should have been really simple.
After spending about 40 minutes on the phone, the guy I was speaking to told me that there was some issues with my network and he was unable to get me connected to the wireless internet unless these issues were resolved. The person I was speaking to then told me I would have to pay $190 for him to fix this issue (then after "talking" to his manager, he told me he could reduce it to $119).
I asked him to explain exactly what the issue was. He kept going in circles regarding the issue. I flat out asked him numerous times if this meant he could not get me connected to the wireless. When he confirmed this, I told him that having wireless wasn't a necessity since my apartment offered internet.
He continued trying to sell me this product, which I kept declining, saying I wasn't comfortable spending over a $100 when I didn't completely understand the issue. Finally, to get him to stop bugging me about the issue, I told him that I couldn't pay it if I wanted to, since I didn't even have enough money to afford that. He then had the gall to ask me if I could borrow money from my family or friends.
I literally asked him about 15 times if the issues my network was experiencing meant he couldn't connect me to my wireless. After I got off the phone with him, I saw that the wifi was showing up on my phone. After I connected the router to the modem, my wireless worked. I'm happy to have wireless internet, but the people at Cisco were definitely trying to swindle me out of $100+

Posted by BC

Cisco offer support on theier products for 90 days only on software and 1 year on hardware.
99.9% of the issues are related to software.
they are developping the software and resellers must invest time in rezolving the issues. cisco will help ONLY if the client has a SMARTNET valid. Is a nice way to put their hands in customer's pockets.
Worst is when client has a smartnet and the system crash, they will fix it but not replacing the unit. Then evry 3 month or less the system will crash again.

Posted by lmcandrew

Cisco wouldn't open a support case for me even though I have a valid support contract.
The contract wasn't associated with our Cisco account and the person had to update the account with our information. Then they told me it would take 24 hours for the information to be refreshed.
They aren't able to open a case until the information is updated, so they told me to call back tomorrow.

Posted by Unhappy customer

Router RV042G went down and returned with factory default setting without any visible cause.

Spent 2 hours with CISCO support in a chat and webex remote session to troubleshoot the issue: no result.

Called in and support guy told me there was no troubleshooting documented by the first guy. Asked me to do it once again before he can help me. After one hour on the phone they agreed to issue an RMA, shipping in the defective device on my costs, and replacing it with a refurbished one.

Seriously? We are talking about a $200 device. I will just throw it into the garbage without bothering about buying Cisco products in the future anymore.

Posted by Happygurle

I contacted support tech as I was having trouble connecting to my router and also not getting the right speed when I preformed my speed test. So, after ruling out the problem with my IP we determined it had to be with the router. I call and talk to a Frank and after going through a LONG conversation he told me that of course I'm not getting my full speed because no matter what speed you have he said that you will only get HALF of what you are paying for!! I said that's not right. I told him when my speed was at 5 when I did the speed tests before I upgraded to the 10 I always got 5. Anyhow, after arguing back and forth he said that the only thing that would help me is buying a RANGE EXTENDER!! So, after much frustration I did what he suggested and purchased one. Well, all week it was on my mine and his conversation kept running through my head and something told me that what he told me just wasn't right! So, I call Best Buy GEEK squad and ask them about it and told him what this linksys tech told me. He said NO WAY IS THAT CORRECT! He said that if your speed is 10 you may not always get exactly that but it should be pretty close. He said he had never heard of anything like that before!! I called linksys back to put in a complaint about the misrepresentation that I received and wanted to cancel my order. Well, go figure that I couldn't cancel it as it had already been shipped! I sent the box back as soon as I got it!! LESSON LEARNED!! BEWARE!!!

Posted by Anonymous

I contacted Cisco tech support for an issue that should have been an easy fix. Instead, the technician that was barely understandable, attempted to convince me that I had lots of other issues that could only be solved by paying them $250. Their tech support seems to be used as an opportunity to make more money. I would never but a Cisco product again.

Posted by theysuck

We have CISCO IP 509G PHONES at our office and when we have turnover we need to change the name on the phones. Our IT guy has been unavailable so we tried to figure it out ourselves. In the process we looked at the user guide - had no information on this. We then looked at Google - no information. We then called Cisco customer support - I was transferred. The Indian I spoke too said our warranty had expired and they could not offer remote assistance. I said I did not want anything special, I just wanted to know where I could find the information I needed to change the name on my phone! She said to look at forums online and search on 'the google'. I was so mad.

Posted by Anythingbutcisco

We actually have a very expensive SmartNet agreement on very expensive Level 3 Switches. No callbacks, maybe a response to tech support questions, most times not. Don't buy their products. Find a company that actually gives you what you pay for. All we got was ignored and valuable time wasted.

Posted by Royal

I have a cisco router and had problems with it. I contacted Tech Support and they said I would need a range extender. I didn't know what for as I was hooked up wired but for some dumb reason I listened to the techie and bought one from them. It came a few days later and contacted them and they got it running without the extender.

I just put the thing on the shelf unopened. Now it is a year later and I get a security camera. I need a range extender so dig the thing out. I try to hook it up and I get a message that it will now work with my operating system, windows 8.1 but they give me a link to download the proper software. I click on the link and it says the link is no good.

I then contact tech support and tell them the problem. The techie tells me that I now have to pay them to help me. Pay them? They sold me the piece of junk when I didn't need it and now their link to the proper software does not work and now they want more money out of me to make this useless product to work?

I paid over 200 bucks for the dang router, wrongly thinking that it was a good one and it might be but in my view, tech support at cisco sucks.

Now I feel better but my system still does not work :(


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