Clearwire Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Clearwire customer service is ranked #292 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 40.62 out of a possible 200 based upon 90 ratings. This score rates Clearwire customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


79 Negative Comments out of 90 Total Comments is 87.78%.


11 Positive Comments out of 90 Total Comments is 12.22%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Clearwire

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 40.62 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 79 negative comments (87.78%)
    • 11 positive comments (12.22%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 2.1 Issue Resolution
    • 3.5 Reachability
    • 1.6 Cancellation
    • 4.2 Friendliness
    • 2.8 Product Knowledge

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Posted by super angry

Trying to disconnect from clearwire has been horrible. I was on the phone for more than an hour with people who could not explain why I signed up for a two year contract when there website says they have no contracts? The only reason I signed up with them is because the representive said I could go month to month with no locked in contracts. Well I was lied to and I hope this helps others when deciding to go with a internet provider.

Horrible customer service. Unable to provide helpful information. Difficult to communicate with. Please do not go with Clearwire!!

Posted by rushin2

Calling India is half the issue. Canceling service was a hectic experience with hold time over 10 minutes.

Very strange experience as technical issues in the past were all self-managed with little or no participation from Clearwire. Dongle broke off - was no internet for days until received a new piece.

More customers signed-up in Seattle area - speed went down over the years. Not impressed.

Posted by Business Manager

INCOMPETENT!!! I asked for an IP Address and was put on hold for five minutes while tech. support tried to figure out what I was talking about. It seems the employees that work for Clear have little to no training with internet service or computers at that. I could here the tech. reading through notes after ever question I asked. The main problem that I came up with is that an IP Address was changed through Clear and no employee had the slightest clue that anything had been changed at all. In turn, my business lost money for three days untill I called a different providers tech. support which found the problem in a short amount of time. If you become a customer with Clear hopefully speaking English is not a big deal to you. COMCAST HERE I COME.... The happiest moment of my Clear experience will be making the call to discontinue my service.

Posted by Anonymous

terrible service and never get someone to speak english.....not a good service even when it rarely worked

Posted by Anonymous

Short and long of it. If NO ONE else in your immediate area has Clear, you'll get the speeds they advertise. But... when more people sign up for service, they cut your speed. Even when speeds off the towers are less than 0.50 Mbps they continue to sign up new customers and tell you the only option is to find another isp and there is nothing they can or will do.

Posted by will

Clear is clearly the worst company on the planet. I tried to activate service today using the Clear modem. The modem gets 2-3 bars of signals and able to connect to the 4G network. I used this connection to activate my device. After taking all my information and the process seems to be complete but I cannot connect to the real internet -- only to the wall garden. In the meantime, I received an email confirming the activation and that service should be working, but it clearly is not. After over a dozen calls in one day and 6 hours of phone time, the idiots in the Philippines tell me I am not in the coverage area. ARE YOU KIDDING? If I am in the coverage area, how can I use the modem to get on Clear's 4G network and complete the activation process?

It's pretty darn clear the provision process didn't fully complete but these idiots insist I am not in coverage area... If so, why do I have 3 bars of signal and their coverage map shows me right in the middle of coverage area.

Posted by clearsucks

I thought I was canceled 6 months ago. They also had on file that I called 6 months ago. Last month they charged my card saying that my service was hibernated. I had the confirmation number.They still refused to give me my money back. I spoke to the Executive Escalations line and they refunded me and waived the cancellation fee. Clearwire is a scam company. Bypass the customer service line and call this number 877-537-1458. I wouldn't recommend clear to the devil

Posted by Disgusted

Their phone service is about as bad as it gets. I generally spend about 30-45 minutes every morning trying to call customers and end up having turning on and off my modem a number of times and losing contact with customers. The irony is their cell tower is only 300 yards away. They actually have dropped personalized outgoing messages. It is a generic message that picks up after 9 rings. I have had to go out and buy the old antiquated answering machine just so I can personalize
my outgoing message. Plenty pathetic!
I will give you all a tip. If you want to stop them from debiting your credit card account, just call you cc company and have the number changed and they can do nothing except maybe pursue you for the balance but if you file a complaint and threaten them with further action chances are they will back off.
I will say I have had no problems with their email and web service but the phone thing is a definite disaster, not to mention from my experience customer service is chat nd limited to apologies and excuses but no resolution.

Posted by Anonymous

Clearwire is the worst internet service imaginable!!! LIARS!!! CROOKS!!! CONS!!! If you want dial up speeds when you are promised much much more than by all means give them a call and your money. If you want highly unreliable service, LIMITED bandwidth with your UNLIMITED service plan, then by all means give them a call and your money!!! IF you enjoy talking to a@@holes and liars from India when you're needing answers, then by all means give them a call and your money!!!

Posted by Stratusrunner

I canceled my service. Six months later they reactivated it and charged my credit card $100. After many hours on the phone and even sending them the confirmation email that said my account was closed, they still refused to refund the money. I filed a complaint with the FCC. A couple of months later I received a letter from the Clearwire attorney saying they were looking into it. Several months later another letter saying I was indeed owed a refund. I never received a refund and neither the FCC or Clearwire has answered subsequent letters.

Posted by calling comcast

Yeah, they're throttling me. I'm on a 3Mb/s home plan (I've actually been on it for years; Richmond, VA was one of their first cities). I did 2 OS installs over the internet in one day, 11 gigs or so, and they throttled me the next day to 1 Mb/s. Their rep said it would last a week, and I should keep my usage below 15 gigs/month to avoid throttling. He helpfully pointed out that a Netflix movie is about 2 gigs. So as long as I don't watch more that 1 movie a week, I will get the service I pay for.

Posted by ronla50

I have been a customer for clear for a couple of years now. It is absolutely the worst the last few months. I am canceling my service and going with Comcast. I am so sick of calling Tech Support to keep me online.
Never again.

Posted by Anonymous

I was using Wildblue Satelite internet and switched to Clear Wire Dec. 2010, As I am doing my taxes for 2011 I noticed that Clear Wire started charging me $45 a month back in June 2010, instead of the $30 I was previously paying. The payment automatically comes out of my bank account and until now I never noticed this unauthorized rate increase. I "online chatted" with someone from clear wire about this. They told me that they sent emails out to 33,000 customers notifying them about the rate increase due to their "faster speeds." I responded that when we switched from Wildblue internet to clear wire, Wildblue turned off the email address that we had given to Clear Wire when we signed up, but since we were no longer a customer with them they shut down our email address. Since this was the only email address I had when I signed up with Clear Wire, that is the one I provided them with when I signed up. So I told them #1 I never experienced higher internet speeds and #2 I asked them how they can just increase 33,000 customers monthly bills by $15 without authorization from the customer first. They responded and said pretty much that they think an email telling people is good enough. I said that we didnt have that email address and that since it is taken out on its own every month we never logged onto clear wire's website to update email address once we had a new one. I asked them what about people that dont check their email address very much? I asked them why they didnt email or call them and tell them that they needed to login to their website to authorize this before just doing it. They had our phone number on file and never tried calling. They just said "sorry for that." I asked them to cancel my service then. They told me that they were unable to and that I would have to call some number and hit 4 and then 4 again, which got me no where by the way. I finally get ahold of someone, they say its not their department but they ask why I want to cancel, I tell them, they ask me to hold so that they can see if they can offer me a cheaper plan, after they come back they tell me that the best price plan is the one that I am using....Serious BS! and then told me they had to have my husband cancel the account since his name is on it, and he is sleeping so I have to have him go through this tomorrow. I will not use clear wire again. Bad customer service, not fast speed before or after their supposed speed increase, and most important because they just hope that you see the email that they are going to charge you $15 more a month and not make you authorize it, they just start taking it out of your account.

Posted by debsjustk9

Over 8 hours on phone for the issue of their modem not working...2 WEEKS later, 25 calls to try and reach someone in the U.S., and we STILL don't have working internet without a $60 monthly wireless modem from Verizon!! AAAARRRRGGGHHHHH...NOW they say they will send yet another modem, after trying to say first it was an outage, then an upgrade(not upgrading as they will discontinue service to this area in Nov/Dec 2012), then an outage, then the cable, then the router, and back in the circle...and I've now been informed there is NO ONE in the U.S. anymore AT ALL for the company???


I'm surprised Clearwire is still in business. Their customer service sucks. They all act like (or maybe its isn't an act) hey aren't aware of what's going on and mess up customers bills all the time.
Their little 4G USB Modem is flimsy and comes apart often.
I CAN'T STAND IT. I'm going to continue TWEETING about how poorly the company is and I suggest anyone that's not happy do the same. We must stand up to these companies that provides substandard service. If we didn't pay the bill on time, after 30days, into collection we go; so lets show them we have POWER TOO!

Posted by Cancel My Account

Worst ever customer service. Obviously outsourced to some third world country. Good luck for all you existing customers. If you try to cancel your account you have to spend hours on the phone and you certainly won't get a confirmation email for the cancel request. They will try to retain you at all cost. Time for this company to go out of business.

Posted by britishrich

I was happy with clear until I tried to change my plan. a CRITICAL decidign factor when I agreed to a 2tr deal was that I could chnage from mobile USB to home router just by returning my USB and leasing a router with little change to my bill and no out of pocket expense...8 months after getting the USB (which worked ok) I am told that leasing is no longer an option and it will cost me $100 to obtain a router etc. This is a bait-and-switch in its simplest form. Just because they have the fgine print to hide behind to make such changes doesn't make it RIGHT. Customer service offered me ZERO in the way of compromise and told me there is NO means to file a complaint, or escalate my issue either. STAY AWAY FROM CLEAR.

Posted by VBivinsJohnson

NEVER USE THIS SERVICE!!! I've been a Clearwire customer for almost two years and that's my fault for sticking around. Clear is the biggest fraud company I've ever dealt with. 1) They told me I would be charged only $40 a month, but I was charged $60. 2) They told me the service would work in certain cities, but it did not. In fact, the only places I could get the service to work were in areas where free wifi was available. 3) I was told that I'd get high speed - it was slower than free wifi at the local pizza bar. 4) I tried to cancel my service twice, but they kept charging my credit card anyway. 5) After over $400 of fraudulent charges, I recorded by audio my most recent call to Clear wire where I spoke to account services, stayed on the phone for nearly an hour, spoke to three different people. I was declined a refund but was told my account was canceled. I asked three times for a confirmation number and I was given a service ID number.

Posted by Anonymous

In Feb 2010 we canceled our service with Clearwire because we wanted a faster speed, we got cable internet and tv.Fast forward to November 2011 and we get a BILL form a collection company saying we owed clear 74.70 for a restocking fee for a modem from clear,luck would have it i kept all my paperwork from them in a box with the usb drive that we bought,so we called clear and got nowhere the first day (was about 7 pm) called the next day and talked to 6 different people before we got a person with a brain, she said that they were charging us a recharge fee for the usb modem that we did not return!(but they never sent us a bill)we told her that we paid for the usb up front and have a receipt for it and read her the numbers on the receipt, she found it then and said we were right the we owed them nothing! the service is faster than dial up but thats about it, so if you go with clear KEEP ALL your paper work you get from them for at least 3 to 5 years ( like the IRS) or they will screw you.

Posted by BurningSol

i normally have 0.5mb DOWN and 1.30mb up. Yes.. my upload is FASTER than my download speed! I cant even stream netflix half the time and i pay $35 a month for this! Why? BECAUSE THEY FOOL YOU INTO IT AND PUT YOU IN A 2 YEAR CONTRACT OF crap internet service!!!

Posted by barb888

I just cancelled my service. I did not have any problem getting it cancel. I had them for 2 years when they first came out in Atlanta. The service was fine and the cost was affordable. The customer service is bad.

I cancelled my service because they went up on my bill by $20. They did not notify me. They said they did, but I did not get it. So I went back to cable internet. I got if for half the price that clearwireless gave me.

Clear you got to keep up in the market. A lot of competitors out there. Granted you came out with the wireless and affordable internet service, but your communication to your customers are bad and your customer service is horrible. I probably will not be going back to your service. It was good while it lasted. Long lasting relationships is what you need to focus on.

Posted by dbmachine

This place is ran by a bunch of ametures and nobody knows how's in charge. I was over charged 3 mos. after I discontinued my service and I've been told and have conformation numbers from 4 different times I would recieve a check. Still waiting

Posted by cevile

This is a warning or a caution to all those who are considering clearwire/clear at home internet service for home, I have been a clear subcriber for over 18 months and come to a following conclusion regarding the internet service and customer service they provide.
Let us start with at home internet service I subscribed to the top tier service with highest available speeds and supposedly unlimited internet costing $50.00 a month plus taxes. What Clear internet services does not tell you in there terms and conditions or there AUP which is constantly changing over the duration of my subscription is that after 6GB of download they will throtle down the bandwith down to as low as 29Kbps which is half the speed of dial up modem that you can usualy subscribe $9.99 a month from most other providers and can be accessed through any phone line any where in the country mostly. Dial up connection has a bandwith of 56Kbps. At 29Kbps it takes forever to even open up an email and when you call clear complainting there answer to your problem is that you use too much internet and should cutail your internet use.Let me explain what 6GB of down load means I have 3 internet devices at home which uses up 1GB of downloads on software updates for eg your monthly window updates and anti virus updates after which you are left with 5GB of remaining download for the month and if you subscribe to netflix or to hulu plus for entertainment it means that you will be able to watch only 4 movies in HD for your HD tvs,thats just 4 movies a month after paying $50.00 a month for internet services and by any chance there are a lot of subcribers in your area you will not even be able to do that during peak hours which now days seems to be at all times. Unlimited internet they say is the biggest lie especialy when they start throtling down your service. Let me explain next time you go to a car rental place and they say you got unlimited milage on your car rental and what they dont tell you is that after you have drven your car 50 miles your car speed will be reduced to max speed of 5mph at those speeds unlimited milage means nothing same as unlimited internet which is a lie. I repeat they do not provide unlimited internet but infact a very limited and restrictive plan bad for home users. 24 hour customer support is another big joke from clear services. Most of there customer support is siting in some other country and are not able to understand or help your needs most of them are rude and always seem like reading from a script that they donot understand them selves . Most sales rep for clear internet services are liars just like there displays how they show you can watch unristricted and video entertainment online when infact it is very limited because once they thortle your speeds down your 2min you tube video takes 30 min to watch annoying.
they have the worst return policies even if you go and buy there equipment from a local store and takes forever and many phone calls to get your money back very complicated return policies. There terms and policies of use are vague and in there favor only basicaly as customer you have no rights. They keep changing there policies without proper notifications and will not clearly tell you what they have changed in there policies and by contunuing to use there sevices you would have agreed to there new terms and policies be very aware I feel that clear internet services is a con at a coperate level. Tech support that is another joke takes forever to deal with clear tech support. My over all exprience with clear has been a night mare and do not recomend anybody to subcribe to clear internet or any service from them. The worst internet company that I have ever dealt with.

Posted by anonymous

The customer service is dropping acid.
Like robots, they repeat the same old tired lines over and over. Reset this, disconnect that. Don't get this service if you don't have any choice, go with dial-up first.

Posted by Anonymous

Clear dropped from 5 mbps to .03 mbps yesterday. Their server is simply not responding. (Went thru the same tests here with two chats and one phone call to find no problems here---phone call was unintelligible with loud bangs against a microphone and breaking up constantly)


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Company News
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Sprint bid to buy Clearwire gains another supporter
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