Dollar General Employee Customer Service Ratings - page 3

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Dollar General customer service is ranked #467 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 33.06 out of a possible 200 based upon 3400 ratings. This score rates Dollar General customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


3,194 Negative Comments out of 3,400 Total Comments is 93.94%.


206 Positive Comments out of 3,400 Total Comments is 6.06%.

Issue Resolution




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Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Dollar General

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 33.06 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 3,194 negative comments (93.94%)
    • 206 positive comments (6.06%)
    • 83 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.8 Issue Resolution
    • 3.0 Reachability
    • 3.0 Cancellation
    • 2.8 Friendliness
    • 2.9 Product Knowledge

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Posted by LanceCpl Cuykendall

I have been employed at store#12013 in Clarksville, Va for three years now. i applied shortly after returning from my occupation specialty training for the Marine Corps. this place is on its third manager is very few months (caught stealing). i have been cheated out of several promotions (E.O.E violations{given to guy whose been there for three months}),they were given to a guy who was fired for sexual assaulting two female employees, one of which still works there and he does absolutely no work, he walks around talks to people. he has tried several times to get me fired. Same with the assistant manager, he makes us do the work he was assigned,honestly its like hes racist he tells the black employees their doing good without looking at their work while he tells me to hurry or ask if i got to aisle if I'm recovering when I've done the whole store by myself twice in an hour and a half. my hours have been cut drastically for managements mistakes I've been given zero hours one week then only a single day for five hours, i only got hours because the new guy they hired never showed up. there's no appreciation from management, only told we're too slow not good enough when we have worked thirteen hour sifts non-stop no breaks, nothing, yet they are out smoking every 5 minutes for 15 minutes or hiding away in the office. I have been scheduled to work on my reporting dates for the Marines even when i have told them. They claimed not seeing them, my request was with every one Else's and they got their days off or even when i taped to the computer they sit at for hours every day. I have been treated so badly and so disrespectfully and talked to like a dog. I have been to the District Manager four times and nothing. It's so bad there I can't list it all. lying about an employees leaving notice so they don't have to rehire him, and can hire their friends which they have done. I have NEVER seen a place with a quitting rate like this, they try to get rid of employees they don't like, by cutting hours, not paying for hours worked ect. every one has tried what they could to fix it but it never happens.

Posted by shortstuff

I have worked in the Warren Mn store, and I will NEVER go back there again in the day time due to very poor customer service and a hateful and mean and crabby store manager. This makes the Dollar General company look very bad! If you go in and see crabby people working, then my bet is, you will never go back. That's where I'm at right now. I loved my job and loved my customers and enjoyed making them happy. Can't have that when you have a manager like that!

Posted by george

I work for Dollar General for 6 years I started as a cashier and became a store manager I was diagnosed with a illness and a day before I went back to the hospital my district manager fired me.

Posted by Bella

I was recently hired at Dollar General in Tyrone, PA, my first day was not scheduled but I went in when the manager called the day before for 2 and half hours. She put me in the office to do all the pc work and it was really distracting because several of the employees kept coming in talking over the sound from the pc, this made it hard for me to hear and concentrate. The Office smelt very badly of smoke to the point I was nauseous, I am not a smoker but I can tell you somebody is smoking in that office. The manager was in a hurry to leave that day I found out because she came in and told me she was pist because I was not done yet and she argued with me about one of my certificates that I am to print up, which I knew I did I heard it and saw it, but another employee had come in while I was working and removed papers from the printer, yet the manager treated me as if I did not know what I was talking about. She also said "By the way if you feel the need to bring a purse then leave it in your car or you take your chances with trusting people". I believe we should all have a locker , also when I needed to go to the bathroom she was irritated and said in a very negative tone " You can not use the sink " so my question is how is everybody washing their hands or are they just not and then checking customers out???? I found out the next time I worked which was that Monday that there is no way to wash up, I was told by another employee who did not give me her name I only found out later that it is Jessica and that she is a key holder, I was told to count my draw. I have worked in retail for over 10 years and was the Assistant Manager of one chain and I never used the machine they had where you put the coins on it and it counts for you, because I had never seen it done that way this employee was rude and treated me like an idiot, mind you this girl is much younger then me I could be her mother. Once that was done she told me to get on register and I was left fending for myself not knowing where bags were except the few on the floor, I was told to push the button on the phone if I needed help. The system in every store I worked for is not the same and at times I had questions and Jes had attitude every time I asked a question. She also argued with me in front of several customers when the customers ATM card would not work and she told me that I needed to push F3 and when I tried to tell her I know this and I did this many times and that this was about the 5 or 6 time I tried for this one customer she treated me like I was lying. This girl gave me attitude until she clocked out, she also was going around the corner saying things to other employees about me. I heard her and many of the customers go to my church and they told me themselves. I I have no idea where the manager was. I was never told to tuck my shirt in and they never have theirs tuck in but yet I was given a hard time about it, I was never spoken too about when the schedule is put up and when I told the Manager Phyllis that I could not work on Tuesday because I had a doctors appointment she was nasty in the store with me and she said "well you have to find somebody to take your shift" This appointment was scheduled 4 months ago. She also told me that I have to give two weeks notice for this, well I have not even been there at this point for 1 week. I have appointments still that are scheduled and never seem to be able to tell her she is too busy and I am not getting hours as promised. I will not be keeping this job because minimum wage was fine with me but not if I am going to be disrespected while I am at work and be littler by an immature 20 something year old. I was told that Jes does not like me for some reason and I do not know her never met her until that Monday that I had to work with her which was really my first day on the job. I respect myself too much to work in a place that is very dirty in every corner and were the employees you work with are very negative and disrespectful. I will not even shop in this store anymore and neither will the people whom I know who spoke to me about her attitude towards me. We all prefer the Dollar General in the next town over, it is cleaner and the people are more friendly. Something should be done about Tyrone's store, in fact Family Dollar just up the street is cleaner and the girls are very nice. I hope Corporate really listens and goes in and does something because I was told that the DM for this store doesn't really care either. God Bless!

Posted by Anonymous

I have applied several times for enployment with your company and can't get an interview. Is there anyway I can find out what is the problem why I don't get an interview so I can correct it. I've talked to the manager and he wants to hire me but didn't know why either. Please let me know what I can do different. Thank you

Posted by Anonymous

I have read every comment on this site. As a former employee, I agree w almost every comment. Employees are very much under paid and expected to do the work of minimum 5 people. Most Management and district mangers, honestly don't care. Calling corporate will honestly not help either. But I'm Goin to do everyone a favor until my comment is deleted by some one, oh yeah, it happens! Somebody has to be reading everyone's complants, however, is not goin to address the issue, I promise that! The # I'm about to list is the inside DG #, I've never had any lucky getting them to resolve employee issues, but if maybe enough people call w complants, sum thing might get done. Warning, ur not asked what language ud like, more than likely ull get sum1 that barley understands english, go fig. Good ol Dollar general, do u really expect any less?!

Company has lost great employees and customer s as well!

Posted by Anonymous

I worked at the Dollar General for a brief time. In the beginning management was great. After about a week of working in the establishment my management was unprofessional. My manager was mean, belittled me majority of the time, yelled, or wrote me notes about how we were going to written it up. She also did very little work and instead took more time to review the camera system and complain rather than manage. My manager's name is Doreen she works in the Wolcott, CT store. My other sales associates agree that she is rude and condescending and expects to much done in such a small amount of time done. Point being you have to treat your employees good as well as the customers.

Posted by Anonymous

I filed an application a month ago and just got word today you do not hire felons? Why couldn't this have been told to me during an interview? My felony is 5 years old anyway. Yeah I messed up and I pay that price forever but I do not like being led around being told I have the job, waiting, only to be told after the hundredth time I called that I can't have it because of my past. Disappointed in your service to ones reaching for a little help for only MINIMUM WAGE.

Posted by Anonymous

I had worked at a dollar general in Shepherdstown, WV and the manager treated me horribly. The manager was also rude to me in front of the customers as well as rude to the customers. I don't know how anyone could have hired her she is definitley not a people person.

Posted by Anonymous

Hi im a employee at the george west tx dollar general the new manager name is scott he is rude to employees and vendors he makes threats to vendors like our chip and bread man he makes threats to kick them out of the store foe no reason these vendors are great peoeple I wish something is done about him plz help

Posted by Peggy

My name is peggy bickers. I worked in alamo tn store for 4 yrs then in Nov of 2013 i transferred to forest st store in Dyersburg. I was a very dedicated employee. I worked hard. I was on the smart team for kossi. I gave my all to my job. While I was at the forest st store i was told that sometimes they send the cashiers to the bank. Now although I knew that wasn't right (because in alamo the cashier only touched her drawer and no other money) i said umm ok. One monday I was scheduled from open 7:45 am till 4:00 pm and the money had to be in the bank by 2pm. I was the only MOD on duty. So I said well maybe this is one of those days that they send cashier to the bank. So I sent my cashier to the bank to get change and make the deposit. 2 weeks later i go in on a friday to close and I'm taken to the office where the manager Elaine Wilson told me I was fired. Now my question is this. If they can send cashiers to the bank then why did I get fired for doing the same thing. I'm not denying i went against company policy. I'm just saying i guess apparently whats good for the goose isnt always good for the gander? Elaine also said i falsified paper work??? I have no idea what she is talking about on that. I have never not would i ever falsify paper work. I'm just curious bout why I got fired after giving my all to Dollar General for doing what they were already doing at the Forest st store. Thank you

Posted by themis

It is a travesty when the day comes that a corporation attempts to cover up mistakes made by their district/regional managers by getting rid of the 'disposables' who know what happened in a store.

One year ago there were nine employees who worked in Store #222 with Heather Azcatzl under the District Manager, Roy Singley. Today there only remains two of those nine, the others all have left because of the 'relationship' between Heather & Roy, or been fired for whatever bogus reason that the DM partnering with LP were able to concoct within the premis of Dollar General's loophole filled policies. The former manager, Mike Price, had brought that store up from unacceptable standards to near model in about one year which was an amazing feat in itself considering the 'quality' of people in that area, the foot traffic because it backs up to the government housing projects, and unfortunately many of the people in the town of Waverly are not of the best character. The shrink level dropped over 1/3 while sales went up over 30%. But yet his character and integrity have been brought into question, slandered by managers of other stores in the district (primarily in Erin & Tennessee Ridge). The store is in a constant state of disarray. The new store manager and staff are EXTREMELY rude and uncaring for the customer needs, almost as though customers are an inconvenience.

In October, Angie Craft had been terminated for fraudulent returns, pocketing money, taking pennied out merchandise AND reselling on a FB Closed Group "Humphreys County Buy Sell Trade". (Pictures of the merchandise along with the dates of the postings can be provided). The pennied out merchandise appeared 'coincidentally' soon after the July 2013 inventory during which it was discovered that this merchandise was still in the store. She applied for unemployment AND actually received it. HOWEVER, Mike Price has been denied to date of ANY unemployment and was NOT involved in any form or fashion of THEFT!

Bonnie Hedrick was terminated soon after Mike Price. Her crime... grazing, which had gone on for QUITE sometime, yet had never caught the attention of the DM who even noticed and made statements like, where's your receipt, can't have food at the register, do these empty chip bags belong to you. But NOTHING was ever done in spite of this being viewed in person AND on CCTV, until this recent 'sting' operation... all because of a cover up plan relating to Heather Azcatl.

Donny Nallinger, the LSA, was recently terminated in January 2014 for a couple of reasons, things that are NOT uncommon in MOST DG stores. First, he adjusted a price for 'customer satisfaction' because merchandise in the PROPER location still had sales stickers/price labels posted that were outdated and had been failed to be pulled by store employees. Any time I have in the past shopped in a DG store, it was the customer's satisfaction and my understanding of DG policy that the customer WAS to receive that price for whatever they ALREADY had at the register if indeed there was an error about the price. THEN the MOD was to immediately locate the product and correct the situation. Second, he 'ran' on one of his cashier's tills. NOT uncommon at all...and DG would lose over 1/2 its management staff if EVERYONE was terminated for this action. It's not like the cashier's till came up short either.

Sherry Brown was terminated within days of Donny's termination for giving a customer a past dated sale price which was still posted.... an action a sales associate is completely unable to complete without the MOD's key. So what happened to DG standing behind satisfying the customers?

Heather Azcatl, out of her OWN mouth, admitted during her time of assignment to Store #222 how she had partied so much that she was late for work hungover, clothes wrinkled, and explicit sexual conquests (told to co-workers as well as customers). She was constantly approaching customers and vendors for their numbers to be able to 'hit them up' later. She sent provocative pictures to co-workers whose numbers she had, which should have only been because of her position as SMC/ASM. She knowingly was sexually involved with the LSA Damien Cagle during her time at Store #222, as well as attempted to get involved with Sales Associate Max Stevens. Even though she has since been terminated herself after being assigned a DG store in Clarksville, the disastrous wake she left once her indiscretions were FINALLY called into accountability has caused untold damage to her former co-workers lives. (1) Mike's wife has had some recent health issues that have come to light that are resulting in a MAJOR financial hardship on a family already struggling. (2) Donny still struggling to find employment that will help with his family situation as well as keep his vehicle from being reposessed. (3) Sherry is a single mom/grandmother/sister, solely responsible for the care of her disabled sister, her grandchildren whose mother is incarcerated, and has limited ability because of an older unreliable vehicle.

It's a shame to see a corporation, that appears on all public levels, to be an amazing company who cares. But in fact, behind the scenes, they have store managers TOTALLY unprepared for management because of the poor training received, people worked long difficult hard hours for mere penance pay (yes, I know the rating of DG as the #4 worst company in the US to work for and now I understand why after talking to these people who were part of a community, trying to raise and improve YOUR corporate image, were like family and actually CARED about us, the customers). Unless some form of justice comes to the RIGHT people, and DG actually places someone in management positions at this store who CARE and DG will back up, Store #222 is going to fail. Amazingly, CashSaver moved in next door in June 2013 and DG/CashSaver actually complimented each other and had an amazing work relationship, caring for their customers TOGETHER. Now, CashSaver is getting the business DG should have... your shelves are empty, your store is a wreck, your employees now are rude and uncaring. Maybe it's time to clean house the RIGHT way!

Posted by Your DG Customer Srvice Rep

I am a Dollar General employee of 5 years. This is for all my customers. I do the best job I can for you. Please don't assume that if I am not at the register that I am texting or goofing off. My job is to assist customers. I may be helping the man who can't see very well find the products he needs. I may be in the stockroom trying to find the product for the man that purchases for the homeless shelter each week. I may be with the elderly woman who can't locate an item because she can't remember where it is in the store. Have I not greeted you at the door? Smiled and asked you how your day is going? I know most of you by name. I do the best I can for you.

Posted by Noymous

I am an employee at the dollar general store. I just want to say that I amongst others is getting very angry with how you as a corporation are treating the people that represents you and you wonder why people don't stay employed with you that long. Dollar general treat its employees like crap and you wonder why your stores look like crap. You expect your employees to break the backs for the crappy hours and the low pay. What are we to the corporation toy soldiers or dogs begging for scraps.

Posted by Anonymous

All I'm gonna say for the time being is that we as cashiers are sick to death of constantly walking back and forth between customers. You people are nothing more than slave drivers.

Posted by Rhonda Owens

Please explain to me what the Asset test you have to take to get hired in your company has to do with your ability to do the job that you are applying for. Rather you agree with me or not that test is discriminates those that knows they can do the job from the others. Just because you want to catch a thief. Same on you.. Not everyone is dishonest. I am on the rehire list but I can not past the test because of the way you word your questions. Your Company is One of my Favorette Store I shop there a lot. If you don't trust anyone why do you advertise the help wanted on the Networks. This is not right. We should protest the test.. I know I am going to..

Posted by Anonymous

As an employee of Dollar General, we the cahiers and key holders are sick of our jobs be threaten because of our basket size. We get wrote up for not trying to make our customers spend more so our average basket size (in dollar amounts) be higher.
Don't you people realize we live in a tough economy these days and people have to watch what they spend because they are on a fixed income.
I used to love my job, but now all you people sitting in the office that do not seem to care has made me dislike my job.
In my eyes you people are nothing more than bullies.
This getting wrote up and then fired because we are not making people spend more is wrong and very low. Maybe all you people that's sitting in the office should get out of the office and work in one the Dollar General's and find out for yourself that it's not as easy as you think.

Posted by pissedoffnc

this company is a joke to work for, to buy from. I worked at a retail store before and even with the fewest of complaints, they were light years ahead of Dollar General. You can hardly blame the store personnel even though most I work with are lazy, dumb or both. In any retail hierachy it is when you make District Manager, who is the first in a series of fellatio experts up to the CEO/CIO of this corporation. I am a disabled veteran, IQ when I was tested by the NY schools I attended as a child as 105, average IQ. I am now working on my Masters in guess what? HR ! this company I have tried to get paystub information and either been put on hold 4x between 20-38 minutes on hold or voicemails that never get return calls from. The ONLY person to pickup the phone is the switchboard operator, for that IS HER JOB> sorry for her, she must get a hundred irate customers and employees calling each day.

Posted by Anonymous

My husband is manager of a high crime store that no one else wanted he works hard an works 70 -90 hrs a week he got a new DM and he has been trying to fire my husband . My husband is currently on suspension with out pay bc he did a price check and ACcIDENTLy hit the clear instead of the enter . They searched for weeks and that's all they could find on him . He is great with his regular customers and all his employees love him and this is what he gets bc a new DM is trying to make his mark ! This is outrageous he I a loyal hard working man who is dedicated to his job ... Theft has went down customer service has improved and this is how they treat their very few managers

Posted by JorgensonJLJ

My manager, Richard Davis, of the Dollar General in North Cape May, NJ 08204 is the rudest gentleman I have ever met. His customer service is disgusting, his attitude is disgusting, he speaks with a condescending tone and all of the customers complain to myself and our other co-workers (who are amazing, lovely and great people who deserve better). His words and character do NOT reflect the other crew members.

I was employed as of 5 weeks ago and had no problems with drawer shortages until this past week. All of a sudden, consecutively, my drawer has been $6.00, $8.00, $4.08, and $12.09 short. Just today, about 10 minutes ago, I walked into the door to clock in and Mr. Davis comes outside (out of uniform, shirt and jeans) and says the following:

"Didn't you get my text message today?"
I said "No, why?" (Because I seriously did not have his text in my inbox)
"Well, you're drawer was $12.09 short the other day. You are no longer employed here." And walks back into the store. Then he has the gall to insult myself and my intelligence (as well as previously insulted my other ex-employees as well).

Not only was I unlawfully and unprofessionally terminated, but I count my money back twice, out loud, to customers. I also count my drawers to the Assistant Managers on shift to make sure the drawer is weighed at $100.00 when I begin my shift. Everything checks out, but all of a sudden, my money seems like it's being laundered. I was specifically trained by NPC International's 3&1 (KFC/Pizza Hut/Taco Bell) in Poquoson, Virginia (23692) by their trained staff to make sure my money is ALWAYS correct. I honestly feel like I am being discriminated against.

I will also add that Mr. Davis sends in a fake schedule to corporate every week, as he does not close out the store at all. (when he is supposed to twice a week, at least) - as information provided by other managers that will remain unnamed. The schedule that is posted for the employees is not the same one he sends in to H.Q

I hope the Dispute Hotline and the business is prepared for what I have in store for them because this laundering and sneaky nonsense will not go without investigation.

Posted by Anoymous

I used to work as assistant manager for Dollar General,until I was outed by the store manager in front of customers and threw the store that I was gay.I also found out ,I could of had a Law suit on it.SO I quit what I loved doing.

Posted by bernice resident

Dollar General in Bernice, LA. This store needs to be shut down! Just about every employee they ever hired steals merchandise. This includes mgmt. The aisles are cluttered with stock carts and merchandise that haven't been put out. The one line that is open reaches from the front of store to the back. Employees refuse to open up a second register. Only one employee in store while others stand around front of store smoking. Don't know who is in charge but this store needs a serious makeover!

Posted by Anonymous

Yeah I'm an employee at a General Dollar in south Ga. It's a joke they have one cashier and the asst. Manager outside playing with other employees and spouse. She stayed out there doing nothing. That's a mess. I won't be there long if this happens again.

Posted by Anonymous

The Dollar General on Audobon drive in laurel. Store manager hasnt worked a weekend for past two months. Dhe lies about the hours she works and gets paid for. Dtore is always a mess with roll tainers blocking isle every weekend. What kind of store manager never works a weekend?

Posted by MWalker

I worked their for 6 months and had called in sick twice the second time resulting in me getting fired. I was fired in large part to missing a handful of days previously during the time my step dad was dying of cancer.

I let the (at the time) current store manager Jerry about this and he was more than fine with letting me miss the days. However, Charity the district manager gave me a hard time about all the days I had been missing.

One day our power went out and I showed up 15 min late and Charity wanted to fire me then and there, however the new manager did not want to do that. But then a week later I ended up getting sick and called off (only the 2nd time for this reason) and was notified that I was fired. I told them I'd be able to bring in a doctors note, but was told that it would not matter.

I only called off twice for being sick in 6 months. The only other time I called off was when my step dad was dying of cancer and needed to spend time with my mom and the family.

When I asked for a Human Resource person to talk to she said I would have needed to talk to my immediate supervisor who would then bring it up to her...


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Company News
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