Lenovo Customer Service Complaints - page 3

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Lenovo customer service is ranked #707 out of the 1024 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 26.39 out of a possible 200 based upon 896 ratings. This score rates Lenovo customer service and customer support as Terrible.


871 Negative Comments out of 896 Total Comments is 97.21%.


25 Positive Comments out of 896 Total Comments is 2.79%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Lenovo

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 26.39 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 871 negative comments (97.21%)
    • 25 positive comments (2.79%)
    • 2 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.5 Issue Resolution
    • 2.7 Reachability
    • 1.8 Cancellation
    • 3.4 Friendliness
    • 2.4 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Igor

I just called Czech Lenovo centre - 0042-0800-70-2703. I have the call recorded. It took them at least 10 minutes to pick up the phone. Lady started speaking when I spoke. She kept repeating same sentences, without answering my question. She did not know what is in the conditions of IWS I wanted to talk about. Then she hung without a word while I was speaking. TERRIBLE BEHAVIOR!

Posted by Business Customer

Tried to contact the customer service 4 times for getting some bills (022137050439) 2x they pretended to not hear me, 1x they started helping then stopped replying. 1x they picked up, let me talk and made a "hmhmm" sound and hung up. All 4 different persons. Then tried the business hotline (071165690370 ) with only one option to get to the technical support. So i tried this to get information how to contact lenovo support correct. (020122099888) after explaining me they could not help me with anything i asked for a email that will respond (cause our emails get ignored as well to the main email of lenovo) the person hang up... i spend 1h of my live just to talk to people wo seems to hate theyr job. Background: Our personal lenovo contact email is no longer existing but they "forgot" to update our contact point.. GREAT SERVICE LENOVO THANK YOU!

Posted by NOT LENOVO

Lenovo All in 1 IdeaCentre received days ago without ANBY setup instructions. The PC would not boot. Lenovo "support" was garbled on tel, unclear connections, or 3X disconnected. Result was that the batteries supplied for jeyboard and mouse were DEAD . DEAD.
No assist from Lenovo though we tried many many times.
The support people are not allowed to contact a MANAGER or supervisor for a clear line or support.

Posted by Anonymous

I will be charitable and say Lenovo customer service is non-existent. One of the worst I have ever seen. My last Lenovo product to be sure.

Posted by Angry Customer

Purchased a new Legion 5 laptop in December, 2020. Also bought "premium" warranty, guaranteed "next business day" "on site" repairs. Have been waiting 8 days. They say they don't have the needed part. It is sitting, about to be returned, at a FedEx center. Supervisors were supposed to call to help rectify the situation. Never received a call. Waist of money

Posted by Anonymous

Purchased a workstation from Lenovo about a year ago and paid in full with my credit card. A year later I get a letter from a collections agency asking for the money. I assumed it was a scam. Turns out a week or so after I paid, Lenovo had sent a refund to my credit card. I never received any notification or a bill from them, yet a year later they chose to ruin my credit because of to their mistake.

Posted by Treker_10

I have over 25 years' experience in building, repairing and programming computers and I was recently asked to try to repair 5 lenovo thinkcentre computers for a non-profit service and none of them had any RAM modules or hard drives installed.

I was able to get 2 of them working after installing DDR2 RAM in one and DDR3 in the other. I wasn't able to get the other 3 working after installing the correct DDR3 RAM modules in them, so I contacted lenovo Australia tech support.

What a complete waste of time and effort that was. I sent the first message with a brief description of the problem I was having and after I received an email reply, suggesting that I purchase more DDR3 RAM modules from them, I replied with a more detailed description, as well as stating that I definitely didn't need any more RAM.

Surprise surprise! All I got in reply was a completely useless computer generated email, trying to sell me RAM again. I knew that attempting another email would be a waste of time, but I tried again anyway. Of course all I got was exactly the same computer generated email response, trying to sell me RAM AGAIN.

I am absolutely convinced that this company are all just a bunch of useless profit hungry tightasses, who have no interest whatsoever in trying to help anyone, unless there is a way for them to profit from it.

I would strongly advise anyone considering purchasing any lenovo computer products, to read all of the reviews they can find, regarding their complete lack of any real after sales service.

Posted by mcb

I don't like to bash a product but... I highly recommend avoiding buying a Lenovo Yoga laptop. Lenovo designed and manufactured the C740 laptop in China with very poor hinges. The hinges like to come unglued and cause laptop failure and in some cases a cracked screen or loss of charging ability.

The second, the moment the laptop is out of warranty (one year), Lenovo disowns any issues with the laptop even if it is a design flaw. SCREW YOU!

Sadly I own a newer Yoga laptop that replaced an older laptop. The hinge on my older Yoga was a much more solid expensive hinge that ran almost the whole width of the laptop. I'm guessing to cut cost they now use cheaper hinges, but don't worry they will generally last a little longer than the warranty period.

In America the only recourse we have is to complain on social media and warn others, and of course wait for the attorneys to launch a class action lawsuit and sue the hell out of them. I will join the lawsuit at that point. Meanwhile avoid Lenovo.

Posted by Anon

Long-time customer lost for life - NEGATIVE TEN STARS

Contacted Lenovo regarding a faulty display port on my monitor and they agreed to replace it as it was within the 1-year warranty. I sent photos and proof of the issue were sent immediately.

It took over a month for Lenovo to ship out the replacement and throughout the process my emails and phone calls were ignored. When asking for an update via telephone, the customer service agents would tell me 'I don't know'/ 'I can't do anything to help' before I even provided them with my case number.

After a month of unsuccessful attempts to get clarity on the replacement, I finally got in touch with a customer service agent who cared a bit more and she finally processed the replacement.

However, when then replacement arrived it was severely damaged on the screen due to insufficient protective packaging. I contacted Lenovo immediately providing photographic evidence. I told them that I wanted to return this defective replacement and stated I would rather keep my monitor with the faulty display port rather than go through the replacement process again.

I was contacted the next day by Lenovo via telephone. The agent told me I must return my working monitor and keep the broken replacement or else I would get charged. After Lenovo received my working monitor they would send another replacement and I could return the broken one they sent.

Despite me not wanting another replacement, the agent said I had to send in my largely working monitor rather than the broken replacement I received. I also did not have faith that they would be able to send me an adequate replacement given the severe delay and poor packaging. The agent was also unwilling to document this process to me via email nor was he willing to provide any timeline on how long this would take.

Throughout our exchange, the agent was extremely abrasive and condescending. Rather than addressing my concerns the agent called me 'uncooperative' and responded to questions by saying 'Listen to me! You're not listening!' He threatened to charge me multiple times if I did not return the working monitor within 10 days according to his instructions and tried to force me to verbally agree to this. Being yelled at by the the Lenovo agent for raising valid questions about this convulsed and predatory return process was extremely distressing.

I contacted the authorized retailer I purchased the product from to see if they could assist and coincidentally the same agent was added to the call. He raised the same threats and communicated in the same inappropriate manner. Ironically, he called the third party representative 'extremely unprofessional' for causing some background noise.

I decided to return the broken replacement to Lenovo despite the agents insistence that I would get charged for not following his instructions. I sent a subsequent email detailing this experience attaching evidence and email exchanges. I do not see the grounds for Lenovo charging me for returning the broken replacement rather than my original monitor. Lenovo attempted to call me again after I sent the email but I refused to speak with them in fear of another conversation where I am berated for raising valid concerns.

Despite having decent products, I will NEVER purchase Lenovo products again. The customer service experience I received was appalling and in-line with all the other dissatisfactory experiences documented on BBB, Trustpilot, Reddit etc.

Posted by rg123

I bought an Ideapad from Lenovo which started having problems right away. I had to get a new hard drive and then a new keyboard. Then the camera and the touchpad stopped working and they refused to let it be repaired even though it was still under warranty. When I complained to them and asked for a refund or replacement, they said I could send it to their facility to be repaired. There were so many people online who had sent their laptops to them to be repaired and was having communication and customer service problems and problems finding out when their computer would be fixed and when they would get it back. Some had been trying for months. So I was afraid to send it to them and besides, it was a new computer under warranty and they should have replaced it but they refused. I tried contacting executives at the North Carolina location and I was completely ignored. I decided to take a loss and I wish I had done my research before purchasing the laptop. If you choose to buy a computer from them, you're definitely buying at your own risk. They deserve zero stars.

Posted by Terrible customer service

I would write about my issue in full, but for those who don't feel like reading this review for 5 or 10 mintes, I will try to summarize:

-my Lenovo Ideapad flex 5 laptop for which I paid around 580€ stopped working properly 6 months after purchase (previously worked perfectly and I liked it). The screen wouldn't work at all. No way to access BIOS or anything like that. Problem was caused right after a Windows update. I did my research and many customers are reporting the same problem, in the exact same conditions, which suggests this might be a factory defect. It is Saturday the 20th of March and Customer Service is only Monday to Friday at least in Germany so I just open an online ticket and wait.

-Monday the 22nd of March: upon contacting Lenovo they try to upsell upgrade of guarantee so they can send a tech to my home to check my laptop before sending it to them; when I tell them I'd rather stick to standard guarantee they tell me that "due to the pandemic" it might take longer than expected. I ask them how long is that and they advice 10 days for the reparation of the device plus shipping times

-a few days after I send my laptop I receive a SMS message saying my case has been cancelled. I call customer service and they struggle to find my case. Finally they find it and ensure that everything is in order, that they have received my laptop and is awaiting reparation. They don't know why I received that SMS. Later I found out that my case has been duplicated in their system.

-during the next couple of weeks I tried to remain patient and I sent several emails asking about the status of my reparation as in the website if I introduced my serial number it said something like "case completed". One of the answers that I got to my email was on the line of "I can't find your laptop, are you sure you have sent it to us?". I called about 3-4 times and every time they assured me the laptop is there and still awaiting for a reparation, but they couldn't pull more information or pass me with a supervisor/responsible person.

-at the third week after I sent my laptop I received an email saying my laptop was about to be repaired but they were awaiting parts. I call again to ask how long can this take, they tell me 1 week tops for parts to arrive and give me a estimated date of when I will have my laptop back home: "by next Friday" referring to Friday the 24th of April. I am still waiting.

-on Monday the 26th of April I call them to know why did my laptop didn't arrive. They tell me they are waiting for parts. At this point we are 5 weeks into the issue or so. Lost count. My patience is depleted and I want answers. The guy on the phone does his job very well and is patient and polite but tells me basically the company is not going to do anything about my case: they are waiting for parts and waiting it is. No estimated date of when the parts will come. He estimates that they will come "by the next Friday", the 6th of May. The story sounds familiar. I ask him of alternatives but apparently there is not any: he can't pass me with a person with more responsibility in the company, nor provide a email where to address a complaint. The only option he offers is for me to leave a feedback when the issue is resolved. I explain him I want to speed up the solution and don't care about feedback forms. He apologizes and all that but no solutions at all. I ask for a substitution laptop. He says it is not possible.

-7th of May: I call again, they are still waiting for parts. This time the person who picks up the phone says she can contact her colleagues and they will email me with further information. I receive the email with "further information", which just says they are waiting for parts. I lose my temper and I write an unpleasant email where I make clear how unhappy I am with the company and it's way to fool their customers. A few hours later I receive an email saying the parts have arrived and that it won't take long. Draw your own conclusions here...

-8th of May (when I am writing this review): I receive an email saying my laptop has been repaired and will be sent to me after it passes a quality test. I will believe it when it is here. Then I will sell it as second hand and never buy Lenovo again.

Posted by John

Worst phone support ever!

Posted by Dalida

I just posted a negative review of Lenovo UK regarding a monitor they sent out in error which took my almost three months of chasing ot have it delivered back and to get my money back.

However, I forgot to mention an even more important issue, i.e. the battery on the brand new X1 Yoga 4th generation laptop I bought from Lenovo UK's website in December could only hold a full charge for a max of 3 hours versus their claims of 18 hours!!! The battery than refused to charge, it got stuck at 30% and that was it. I finally had to have the battery replaced by a local Lenovo service company (IBM) in Budapest. Those guys were great, but the X1 Yoga did not live up to its hype and was absolutely not worth it. The new battery can also not hold a charge for longer than 3-4 hours. If I reduce the screen brightness to the minimum, then it goes up to 6-7 hours, but even with those settings the battery will not last for more than 4 hours in reality.

Do not buy from Lenovo if you care about good customer service and support because you will most certainly not get it from Lenovo UK!

Posted by AL

Well, I decided to do a review, its now over a month after i ordered a computer, and I still haven't got it. Their first mistake was choosing a shipper that did not accept my address. That was a very dumb mistake in my opinion. But it gets much worse. Once I found out that the shipper had rejected the address and was returning to the sender, I contacted lenovo and asked if it could be reshipped.I was told it could be done, and that it would ship within 48 business hours. 8 days later, it still hadn't shipped, and contacted them again. They said things were unusually busy, and that it would ship very soon. Another 8 days went by, and it still hadn't shipped, so again I contacted them, and again, I was told it would ship soon. Again their promises proved false. So from then on I've contacted them every two or three days, and every time I get more or less the same answer. And of course it hasn't shipped yet. So I will continue to contact them about it, but I am getting less and less confident in my chances of ever getting what I paid for. So to sum it all up, I'm told their computers are good, but unfortunately their service isn't. So, would I recommend you buy your next computer from lenovo? The answer is, not unless you are a person who enjoys gambling large sums of money on a company that just might not ever give you what you paid for. Another sad story of an American company that apparently is losing the ability to satisfy its customers, and therefore, survive.

Posted by Danijela

Brand new, expensive Lenovo slim 7i came defective. Customer service said that they are sending replacement. It's been 3 weeks and 7 calls and nothing. They even sent me email reassuring that all is good.
Just terrible customer service

Posted by Mitch

Lenovo support is the worth i have ever seen.
My tablet stopped working and it was still under warranty called lenovo they send me to staples who doesn't repair tablet.they did 4 times troubleshooting and kept and wasting my time till the 15 days left on the warranty pass and than they said i am no longer under warranty this company is a scam

Posted by Amulya

Horrible experience with Lenovo. Most unresponsive staff(especially the case manager named 'Sky'). My brand new laptop suddenly stopped charging and after getting it repaired once , the same issue re-occured within months. And this time, the lenovo support staff are extremely unresponsive and rude. I regret buying a Lenovo device. Inspite of all this trouble they caused, they did not compensate me with anything.

Posted by Worst Customer Service I've ever

In mid august of this year(2020) my camera broke on my newly purchased(late may of 2020) Ideapad Flex 14. In the year of online teaching this was something I could not let slide. I was naturally disappointed as it was a new laptop, but I understand things happen. I sent my computer off to get fixed and had to change the address of where it should be delivered to as I was traveling. I confirmed it with a customer service rep and waited for my laptop to be returned to me. The rebooted the software and tested the camera which worked and then they proceeded to send it to the wrong address. After two weeks of calling lenovo every day being on the phone with them for somewhere around 50-130 minutes each time I finally got them to put a plan in action to get my computer delivered to me. A week after receiving my computer (we're now in late September) My camera broke again. I was already tired of having to deal with their customer service at this point but buckled in and sent my computer away again to be fixed. A week after it being returned to me the second time the camera broke again. Turns out instead of fixing the "broken hardware" like they said they were going to they just rebooted the software again hoping that it would work this time(?) even though it didn't the last. Finally I decide I am done with Lenovo. We are now into late October and I am still trying to deal with an issue from August. Two months. I contact them and say I was to return my product. It was broken when I bought it clearly and I don't want to have to keep calling them every day to get it resolved. Here's where the fun begins. I'm directed to a higher level customer service rep who tells me I can only get a refund within the first month. I say no. It's been two months and their customer service is too hard to get a hold of. I've been told too many things that were supposed to happen that never did (follow up emails and phone calls that I never received) and I was done trying to work with their company. I was told that I would be contacted by a senior customer service representative. On November third I missed a Phone call from said representative. I then got an email with a call back number and hours of operation or I could respond to the email. In the following two weeks I called her every day, multiple times a day and let a voicemail at least once a day. I emailed her multiple times with time I would be available to take her call, or potential resolutions to my computer problem. Finally I start calling back the general customer service thinking I've been duped. They contact the Senior Customer service rep as well, who doesn't respond to their requests either. Then after calling her every day and have the customer service team at lenovo emailing and leaving messages I get a phone call on the 19th. I just so happened to be teaching during that time. I answered the phone and explained that I could not talk at that time but would love for her to call me the next day as I was free all day. She said she couldn't call me but would answer if I called her. Naively I believed her. Since that day I have called every day and left at least one voicemail every day. It's December 7th and I have not heard from her since. My computer is still broken. No one I talk to can do anything and the people that can do something won't talk to me. Save yourself the trouble. Do not buy a lenovo computer. Do not put yourself through the trouble of having to deal with their customer service. It's been four months. That's four months of money I've lost because I can't always teach properly because I bought a computer with a broken camera. If I could give them 0 stars or even less I would. They do not even deserve one.

Posted by AShellyS

Four calls after being told a return label was being shipped. 3 days later and I'm still waiting. Return calls are never returned and phone wait times continuously increase. I wish I would have read these reviews before wasting my money on a Lenovo order.

Posted by Rbirdy28

Absolutely terrible customer service. I purchased a cromebook September 2019 it was returned 5 times for not connecting to WiFi. Each time a motherboard was replaced. The last repair reluctance to repair as out of warranty only lasted 3 days before having the same issue. Response sorry but you need to pay for repair. Full year and it worked for less than 3 months. Only offer repairs, now nothing. When I disputed as obviously this chromebook was not fit for purpose I was advised to have a good day! Not able to get anymore than a robot rssponse. I might aswell have thrown my money down the drain. STAY AWAY from their products

Posted by Stefan

Believe it or not, Lenovo support will provide you the worst customer service you can ever get. The support staff was extremely rude.

Posted by Amardeep

I raised a complaint on 22nd of May 2020 to lenovo customer care .their engineer visited us and after checking laptop, he said that mother board will be replaced. I was assured by the team that the damage part is in transit and my complaint will be resolved within 3 weeks. But after 2 months also my laptop was not repaired . I wrote my complaint on twitter, lenovo team assured me that as parts are not being arranged so they will replace my system for which one of their executives visited my place on (19/08/2020). After that they provided me a DOA certificate which was valid for 10 days and we were told that within this period we have to visit the dealer from where we purchased the laptop with all relevant documents. We visited there on 21st aug. There they said that as that same model is not available so we will have to choose some other and will also have to pay the differ amount. We agreed on that. We selected one. At the time of biling they asked us to pay the gst amount of previous laptop which was not working. Sir if they are providing us replacement than why should we pay the gst amount that was about 10000. We denied and return back again we raised issue. Lenovo people kept saying that they r working on our complaint and they will come with some good resolution . At the last day they said that if we want replacement than will have to pay the gst amount. Or else they will give replacement and we will have to wait till the defective part come. Sir it was lenovo who was not able to give proper service and they only offered replacement also and again they denied. We have the extended warranty but neither my laptop was replaired nor replacement was given. After that we sent so many mail but no response from their side

Posted by Anonymous

I bought Ideapad L340-15irh, nothing is working as mentioned in review/spec. very worst product.

Posted by Anonymous

Those who are reading my experience please don't purchase anything from lenovo website, their focus is to anyhow sell their products and after sale they never return products. Their service centres are also not supportive.

Posted by Anonymous

Never buy any product from Lenovo website because they have poor after sale services. They don't replace your products


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