Nordstrom Customer Service Complaints - page 2

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

Nordstrom customer service is ranked #57 out of the 1024 companies that have a rating with an overall score of 70.28 out of a possible 200 based upon 221 ratings. This score rates Nordstrom customer service and customer support as Disappointing.


189 Negative Comments out of 221 Total Comments is 85.52%.


32 Positive Comments out of 221 Total Comments is 14.48%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Disappointing Overall Customer Service Rating

  • Nordstrom

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 70.28 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 189 negative comments (85.52%)
    • 32 positive comments (14.48%)
    • 6 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 5.6 Issue Resolution
    • 6.3 Reachability
    • 4.9 Cancellation
    • 5.7 Friendliness
    • 5.4 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Emsjuju

I know you've received my return back, by now. C'mon, Nordstrom, issue my refund. I had to return because you sent me the wrong item. At least refund me.

Posted by gretagarbo123

Some of the posters are ridiculous. The woman who felt she should keep the perfume when she ordered the bath gel is totally greedy. Get off your sofa and send it back. Nordstrom bends over backwards for customers. I don't believe some of these posters. There is so much fraud and people who just want to wear an item once and return it that soon you won't have a Nordstroms, or any department store for that matter. The rest of us end up paying for the cheating. The world doesn't exist to serve you. These stores have any right to make rules regarding returns. You have a long time to return items to places like Nordstrom or Macy's. There are stores where you only have 30 days. Stop acting like children. Yes, some posters may have legitimate complaints. If there is a sales person who you feel just doesn't want to process a return, ask for the department manager or the store manager.

Posted by Char

I sent an expensive bottle of parfum back to Nordstrom...but it wasn't to the store I purchased it at.
It somehow was headed to KY. But fortunately, I had copies of the "free" return label, with tracking etc. And receipt. Emailed it to N. Got a full refund.
Note..keep detailed records of process.

Posted by JMB

I recently purchased a dress and returned using the online feature to print a return label and handed the package to our postman. The package was never received by Nordstrom yet they handled the return in a timely manner and gave me a credit for the item. I will return any items in person in the future but was pleased with the customer service. I see others saying they never got a response which I find obsurd as you can always call or walk-in to any Nordstrom and receive great customer service.

Posted by Anonymous

I returned an expensive dress by mail, and Nordstrom's says they didn't receive it and will not even reply to my emails. I have never been treated this way by a company.

Posted by Outover$600

I've heard stories about Nordstrom issuing a refund for a tractor tire rhat could not possibly have been purchased there. Yet, I have all of my tracking information and even pictures of return labels and I am being denied refunds for $625.
Nordstrom is perpetrating a scam, preying, especially on the sick and disabled, who rely on online shopping because they cannot get to a physical atore location. I shop at many online stores and do not have any issues with any except Nordstrom. I have repeatedly had to spend hours and hours apeaking to customer service about returned items that were verified as received by their warehouse but not credited. I can only assume that since I purchase a lo of merchandise online amd mail back a lot of returns, I am a prime target for warehouse crime.
In the past, Nordstrom has issued what they call "courtesy" refunds for items verified as received but lost or stolen at th earehouse. Because of this, I am now being denied refunds for anything they cannot locate.
I have tried to tell them on multiple occasions that I have a serious medical conditoon and I do not feel well enough or have the energy to print out labels, schlep empty boxes to the post office, then spend countless frustrating hours talking to CS, to scam THEM! Their accusations are ludicrous and insulting! I have every tracking number from everything I have mailed back and I have NO control over what happens once the boxes arrive at the Nordstrom warehouse. I don't drive there and steal my paclages. Furthermore, the post office weighs everything. They could see that all the weights are sifferent. I spent 3 days compiling tracking numbers, correlating them with returns and mailing dates as well as photos of mailing lables, only to be told by he Nordstrom VP that regardless of what I could provode, I would not be getting a refund because THEY cannot locate the merchandise. Of course not, tou morons, it's been stolen! So, anytime an item is lost or stolen at the Nordstrom warehouse, despite proofnof delivery, they can withhold a customer's refund. This is nothing but a scam and a way for Nordstrom to use defenseless customers as scapegoats for their poor financial performance, incompetence and warehouse inefficiency. I would not go to these lengths and make myself more ill than i already am, if I was teying to scam them. I have even socuments proof that the warehouse is providing false return tracking numbers to deny my refunds. The system is corrupt from he executives to the earehouse workers. I urge everybody to boycott a store that takes advantage of h sick and disabled and operates in such a mean-spirited and unethical lanner.

Posted by Joyous

I have sent back an order of beauty products. The reason, the colors were too dark another too light plus the product gave me allergy. After waiting over 6 weeks not receiving the credit or any emails I called and a customer service guy tells me it has been received but I will not get the credit - its been too long and it is a beauty product the dept in charge said no. I asked for the beauty products back so I can give it to someone instead. Guess what another representative says? We haven't received anything from you and therefore no credit will be issued. It was a considerable amount of money and I sent it with tracking so I will open a case with the post office.

Posted by paruda

I have been a loyal Nordstrom customer for more than 10 years. I recently found out that their return policies have significantly changed. Now in order to return to the fulfillment center all items need to be brand new and in selling condition. If I try something on and didn't like it didn't fit or isn't the right item why are they asking for it to be with tags on and unworn? There are a couple of people I can name called Sarita J. and another called Matt R. They don't like to process returns and they will send the items back to you. Refrain from shopping online at Nordstrom

Posted by Anonymous

I didn't have a receipt but the tags were still on the clothing.. The Lady told me she couldn't give me a gift card because I didn't have proof of purchase..these people give a hard time to the customers if they dont have a she gave me back the clothing and told me to gave a nice day

Posted by Lomelda

I ordered some bath gel for my daughter who lives in another state. Nordstrom sent the wrong item (Kate Spade cologne). I discussed this with customer service. They said they would send the bath gel, but I had to return the perfume or I would be charged. They sent the bath gel to me instead of my daughter. Another distribution mistake. My question...why should I have to return the is their mistake.

Posted by Young

The online chat assistant ended the chat before giving any help! Here is a copy of chat (some personal info is replaced by XXX):

Seleta J.

Hi XXX, I'm reviewing your request, and will be with you shortly

Seleta J.


I am sorry your order was cancelled.

Are you using a freight forwarding service to ship your items?

I don't know what you mean. The shipping address is my apartment in WA.

Seleta J.

After researching your order it looks like you need to call our Finance Department they can give you more information on why your order was cancelled.

I spent time selecting items and placing the order. You keep canceling them. It was a waste of my time!

Seleta J.

It looks like you order has been cancelled already.

You are all set! Have a great evening.

Chat ended.

Posted by Anonymous

For those of you complaining about the return policy and taking your business elsewhere, is like to know where. Every other high end department store has a much less lenient policy, all issue returns only to the original form of payment long before Nordstrom changed it's policy, and most have time limits even if the item is unworn.

I can honestly say they have gone above and beyond for me with returns that are legitiment. I'd say most of the people complaining were trying to abuse the policy

Posted by RoRo212

Nordstrom and I had a couple of issues in the past, but I continued to order from them, because they offer free returns and price match and I like the fact you don't have to worry about shipping items back within 30 days. I continued to shop with them, even though they had inept staff. This time around, I ordered 3/12 and 3/16 8 dresses arrived in two separate packages and I shipped 6 items back to them on 3/17 and they claim only 4 items arrived and holding me liable and just because I had issues with them before,they're being accusatory rather than understanding of my situation. I am now liable for these two poor fitting dresses. They claim they have done me too many favours, but I had tracking numbers for those unaccounted for items and yet, still no refund.

Posted by Sarah42067

I too had a very bad experience when trying to return something to The Rack specifically. I had a dress that I got as a gift and its a beautiful fancy dress that I have no where to wear it to and its a 344$+ dress so I brought it in the exchange it in perfect condition with tags and extra beads all attached and because I had no receipt I was treated very poorly by a staff member there who refused to even look or scan the dress and basically told me they never have accepted items without a receipt before and that I was wrong to expect to be able to exchange the dress without a receipt. Nordstrom is actually known for accommodating its customers and making it easy to exchange and return items as long as they have a tag and are in a condition that's the same as when it was purchased. They are known for that. So to be treated so poorly and not be able to exchange the dress is very upsetting to me and I won't EVER buy anything from these stores again NOTHING. To have spent almost 400$ on a dress and not be able to exchange it is beyond frustrating and very wrong and has cost them a very loyal and good customer who spent thousands of dollars easily a year. Bad business

Posted by Sophia

Like every other organization... it's really sad to see Nordstrom become so political and drop the Ivanka Trump line. Didn't realize the CEO is a snowflake and doesn't like our President of the US!

Posted by cmc1126

Love Nordstrom and greatly respect their decision to drop the Trump brand.

Posted by BetchezTrippin

I can't believe people are using this feed to complain about Nordstrom dropping a brand. They are a huge business that operates with a business mindset, much like the mindset (supposedly) of our currently elected president. They will drop any brand that their consumers are not buying. As a nation and through our electoral college we may have elected Donald trump, but the American people are taking a stand against the man by not purchasing anything with his name attached, and unfortunately that includes ivanka trumps line. I admit she makes really cute stuff but ever since he began running for president seriously, I would not buy anything of hers and I know lots of people in the fashion industry that feel the same. It is politics but it's also business, if you want ivanka trumps line to remain in major stores then you should start buying her stuff. Supply and demand, the first lesson in economics.

Posted by FedUp

I've been a loyal Nordstrom shopper my whole life. Actually, my whole family has been...My mother is a long time card holder (she literally shops there every week, and spends thousands there every month). But I am finally so fed up, I'm never going back. I doubt any of my family will shop there again either, because they have all had similar experiences.

I've bought and returned, both to Nordstrom and the Rack, many times. They used to make it easy for the customer, but not anymore.

An example: My mother bought me a leather jacket from Nordstrom for Christmas. The following week, I went to return it. It was never worn, all tags attached, still in its packaging. I was fine with store credit, as it was a gift, and I obviously didn't have the receipt. They told me it was out of the question because it was purchased online, and therefore I would need to have the receipt with me to return. I asked them if I could just exchange it for the smaller size that I needed, and again they said no. It was a gift, purchased with a Nordstrom card, with Nordstrom tags on it. I dont see why its so complicated. Now I'm stuck with a leather jacket that is too big, and my mother wasted her hard earned money.

Another thing I've seen- at least when shopping at the Rack - once an item is purchased, it's immediately marked down in their system to practically nothing. So, without a receipt, I'll never get a dime back from them (or store credit for that matter), because they will only refund the current selling price. That's pretty low.

I also hate how they now force me to give them my personal information when purchasing anything. It seems a little intrusive. I've never abused their return policy, although I'm willing to admit I've returned a good amount to them (but usually within 30 days and with receipt). I tend to be an indecisive shopper, but I guarantee that they keep more of my money than I return.

Recently, when Ive gone to return anything, I feel like the employees are rude to me. It makes me really uncomfortable. It almost feels like they are instructed to be rude about returns. I know the economy hasnt been the best in the past few years, and I would guess that's why a lot of stores have taken away their previously decent return policies. However, I'm sure Nordstrom as a company is making enough money to afford to take back the small percentage of items that people return. I think its sad that they have lost touch with their customers needs, and instead are just as money hungry as the rest of the big corporate retailers.

Posted by LoyalShoppersince2011

Nordstrom, just recently proved to their customers and the world that they are not only going down the political incorrect path by pulling Ivanka Trumo's line , but also they are showing no regards for the consumers. They should remain neutral and not meddle in the politics of our country, I am sure they endorsed her fashion line and saw it worthy to add it to their line of exclusives , no doubt there were many shoppers who loved the Ivanka fashions will have to find a new place to shop.
Regarding the return policy this can only work under the legal jurisdiction of the customer's right.
Quite a disappointment that the store seems to have more internal issues and now the customers are the victims of their wrath - There should be a better way.
Nordstrom you show your self as Operating from a position of weakness now and lack of resilience to the matket I am no longer interested in doing business here. Will be done with your cards

Posted by MDC

Dropping the Trump line was the right thing to do - I fully support this decision!

Posted by Anonymous

nordstroms is a great store and am glad they discontinued ivanka trumps clothing line`1

Posted by Standingup

I have been a loyal shopper for 25 years. So sad you have to play politics. Your customers, like me, can play the game too. I really wish you the best, but from what I am hearing, this will not go well. Until you can stick with business, I will not be purchasing from Nordstrom. There are many other competitors who even if they have political beliefs aren't stupid enough to risk losing customers.

Posted by LoyalShoppersince2011

Nordstrom, just recently proved to their customers and the world that they are not only going down the political incorrect path by pulling Ivanka Trumo's line , but also they are showing no regards for the consumers. They should remain neutral and not meddle in the politics of our country, I am sure they endorsed her fashion line and saw it worthy to add it to their line of exclusives , no doubt there were many shoppers who loved the Ivanka fashions will have to find a new place to shop.
Regarding the return policy this can only work under the legal jurisdiction of the customer's right.
Quite a disappointment that the store seems to have more internal issues and now the customers are the victims of their wrath - There should be a better way.
Nordstrom you show your self as Operating from a position of weakness now and lack of resilience to the matket I am no longer interested in doing business here. Will be done with your cards

Posted by Anonymous

The banning of Ivanka Trumps fashion line leaves me no other choice but to STOP SHOPPING NORDSTROM...........

Posted by Anonymous

I was very disappointed to see that I could not return my gift from my mother for cash. I was told that the policy changed recently and that only a gift card could be issued. The reason why most people shop at Nordstrom as opposed to Macy's or Gap is not only the large selection but the secure feeling knowing that the recipient/love ones can easily return or exchange the item(s) without a hassle.

I worked for the company for 17 years and was really quite shocked when I attempted to return a jacket from my mother. Not only did it take an inordinately long period of time to find/locate the purchased item and verify that my mother had purchased it (I had to call her) but the sales person kept asking if it was purchased at Nordstrom. Finally after about 20 minutes, it was located and the amount was put on a gift card for future use.

I do understand that many people have taken advantage of Nordstrom's lenient return policy over the years and this is a way to tighten inventory and misuse but it really reminded me of returning gifts at Macys where you feel like a criminal.

I probably will cease shopping for gifts at Nordstrom as it was such a difficult ordeal today and I do not want to put my friends/family through the discomfort.

My mother has been a Nordstrom card holder for over fifty years. I have held a card for over 30 years and as I aforementioned was an employee, Pacer Setter and Customer Service All Star.

I am very disappointed and sad that Nordstrom is just another big department store.


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