OG&E Customer Service Complaints - page 3

User Reviews, Ratings and Comments

OG&E customer service is ranked #780 out of the 1024 companies that have a CustomerServiceScoreboard.com rating with an overall score of 24.56 out of a possible 200 based upon 213 ratings. This score rates OG&E customer service and customer support as Terrible.


202 Negative Comments out of 213 Total Comments is 94.84%.


11 Positive Comments out of 213 Total Comments is 5.16%.

Issue Resolution




Product Knowledge

Terrible Overall Customer Service Rating

  • OG&E

    Customer Service Scoreboard

    • 24.56 Overall Rating
      (out of 200 possible)
    • 202 negative comments (94.84%)
    • 11 positive comments (5.16%)
    • 0 employee comments
    • Attribute Ratings
      (out of 10 possible)
    • 1.4 Issue Resolution
    • 2.2 Reachability
    • 1.6 Cancellation
    • 2.4 Friendliness
    • 2.1 Product Knowledge

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Posted by Rkerley75

Terrible service they think because they have a monopoly on electric they can do whatever and that's not right. I schedule have a security light installed first of March they told me two weeks so I waited. I called back then they said 28 days on work orders and they then scheduled for April 15, 21 took off work that day was there waited all day because I have dogs so I could put them up and no call or no show. I called the following mon and now they say may 15 . If you can't service your customers maybe you don't need to be in business ?

Posted by Anonymous

Terrible company! I was out of power for two weeks solid. You call their outage number and the recording tells you that they are on the way! BS! Now it is January 1, 2021 and we had a little bit of snow and no power again! We lose power at the same spot every time it snows or there is a little bit of ice. Called again. Same recording. Drove to the same spot where it went out last time. Nobody there! But they are on the way! Can only imagine how bad it would be if had the snows that North Dakota has. It's winter og&e. Fix the damn lines!

Posted by john marshall

I live in midwest city Oklahoma and have been without power for 10 days and counting. I noticed that they restored power to the local business first and let the residents freeze. Do you realize that people are suffering!!! help us!!

Posted by Anonymous

Og&e leaves you with out power for almost two weeks doesn't tell you its going to take two weeks until its already there and gets everyone else power back on while my neighborhood sits without power for two week

Posted by Anonymous

I am an customer that has been without electricity for 8 hours, why is it that you can send a caravan of trucks to other States to help with problems, but you can respond to problems in your own city. Where are these other States when we need help. Just asking.

Posted by Anonymous

OG&E has no problem letting someone who does not live at your address turn off your power and then make you pay a fee to turn it back on. They request every form of verification for a customer to ask a question or pay the bill, however they do not verify if the address that someone is starting service at is correct. Then when you tell them and they verify that they turned the power off in error they just say they are very sorry about that and will turn your service off if you do not pay the fee for restarting your service that you never turned off in the first place.

Posted by Philip

OG&E has free reign in OKC. No one gets in their way. The city Of OKC lets them violate utility easements, encroach on citizens private property, literally anything they want to do. They will string your drop from the pole across your neighbors private property and when the trees grow into it, tell you to get a lawyer and sue your neighbor. I'm actually more disgusted at all the local government that let them break every law they can. Then when you really make them mad, they show up at your house at 7:PM and act confrontational.

Posted by Anonymous

This is not a very positive review for your Company of service professionals. I work at a school . Initially when we phoned and made a work order for a security light out it was taken care of. Replaced with an LED light. The very next day the light quit working so since February 20, 2020 I have called several occasions to get a work order and NEVER a no show. I called again March 3, 2020 and again, today, March 12, 2020. I got another work order number.9000012916 We will see how long it takes to get a light working again. The sad thing is OG&E local station is exactly one mile from our school on I-35 service road. Surely it would NOT take nearly a month to get a security light working. We are no doubt still be charged for the service. Very dissatisfied.

Posted by Henry

Had a planned outage and have been out of power going on 31/2 hours without notice this is not fair as we pay good money for this service and should not have to talk to a robot to see when power will be back on which did not give us a time. If I lose my food in the fridge I will expect og&e to pay for it as this is on them and not weather related

Posted by Anonymous

A customer service representative was very rude and snappy on the phone. Her name was Andrea and the call was at 3:16 PM on Jan 3, 2020. She continued to say no I am not being rude and acted like she could care less!!! Horrible customer service!!!!

Posted by Anonymous

They charged me a 450$ dollar deposit after 2 yrs of paying my Bill's simply because I didnt hit the submit button online one time....I got a cutoff notice so I called...they said they cannot break it up into several pmt and that my electricity would've shut off....so today December 19th they called to turn my power off o told them a I had already pd 100 towards it but that wasnt enough...he said and I quote...I promise u this....I will be out today or tomorrow with 2 guys too turn ur power off....I said I have sick kids and its freezing temp...he did not care....this company needs put out of bussiness...there customer service rating is listed as terrible....its appalling that they can do this all over a forced deposit when all the monthly Bill's are paid!

Posted by Margaret

I would like to know if anyone else out there received a mailing from OG&E saying that they qualify for a flat rate. OG&E sent me a letter and a form to fill out giving my okay to a flat rate of $85.00 a month. I sent the form back immediately and started paying the rate they offered me. Several months later I got a cutoff notice that I owe a huge bill of $270.00. I called in and was told they had no record of offering me this flat rate. It would really help me if I knew that other people got such an offer, if anything like this happened to them, and what this mailing looked like since I'm searching but haven't found the letter yet. OG&E was going to cut off my power no matter what if I didn't pay the full amount right then. I told them I was low income (which is why they made the offer to me in the first place) It didn't matter to them if they offered me a flat rate or if some consideration should be given to the "misunderstanding." I definitely received this offer that they now say they didn't sent.

Posted by Anonymous

Such "great" customer service. A lady from the call center was extremely rude and not helpful at all. Just because your day isnt going so great, doesnt mean you get to take it out on someone else. Your employees are so worthless. "Customer service" learn how to be a customer so you can learn how to treat one.

Posted by disappointed

Quite a while back we tried to setup autopay. We do this with lots of bills so we understand how it works. For some reason we could never get it to work with OG&E. This basically resulted in them telling us we were no longer allowed to do autopay now because we were late on a payment. So we just decided to autopay through our bank as an alternative. The downside is we just have to guess at how much the bill will be so we just pay a little more and have some credit...usually. I don't like giving them a free loan, but we like the convenience of having it autopay. Recently we ended up being short about 20 bucks because there was a month or two of higher bills and hadn't upped the amount in a while. So my wife paid it and we had forgotten we had an old account still tied to it in their system so they hit us with a 10 dollar fee even though she immediately turned around and paid it directly on their site after realizing this. It showed on their site that it was paid on the 16th of the month and then they mailed a nasty letter to us on the 21st after the payment was obviously fully cleared through our bank. All of this stems from the fact that they wouldn't help us figure out why autopay wasn't working. They'd rather put the effort into punishing the customer for a late payment instead of finding out why it was late. They'd rather spend man hours hitting you with fees rather than give proper customer service. They'd rather send a nasty letter than check their own site to see that it was actually already resolved several days ago. They're lucky they are a monopoly because most companies that treat customers this way don't stay in business. Lucky for them and unlucky for us. In a word...disappointed.

Posted by John

OG&E are strong arm thugs. I might also note that I am tired of the State of Oklahoma protecting them and their other corporate thugs in the providing of utilities. They can have whatever attitude and implement any policy ethical or not because they have no competition. I have a disputed bill from almost two decades ago, I was never contacted or made aware of the bill. I found out because I was going to call and pay the deposit for my 20 year old son to move into his first apartment, and they said without his social security number that I would have to establish service in my name, I was alright with that and thought that we could transfer later. They said after all this that I have a rearage of $800. I contested that fee and said he can just turn it on in his name tomorrow morning. He called and now they are saying that I "might" love there and that the bill has to be paid. They are holding my sons electric service hostage to force me to pay a bill that I do not think is mine. Here is where the State of Oklahoma comes in. Because the state splits service providers into individual sections and will not allow other providers to compete for service, there is nothing that he or I can do. Just a little addendum to this, they show me living at an address that I never lived at, and want me to provide proof from almost 20 years ago that I did not live there. How that could be accomplished I have not the first clue. Am I the only one that has not kept records from 20 years ago?

Posted by Bobby Wall

I called on July first to schedule an ac tune up. It was the twentieth of July before it was assigned to anyone. I checked with Russell and son to see when he had me scheduled and he didn't get back to me. I checked with him again and his truck had broken down. He said he would get to me asap. I called OG&E and asked to have someone else do the tune up and to have whoever was overseeing the plan to call me. No one did! So the middle of August I called OG&E and told them to take my name off the plan. I mean summers over now. So after a month and a half nothing happened. I'm sure I'm not the only person this happened to. It sure makes OG&E look bad. It would be nice if someone would call and Apologize.

Posted by Anonymous

I'm not happy with service I got a email saying bill was due in one day came home no service payed my bill 5minutees or so after five half to wait till tomorrow I think that's bull not happy with this at all

Posted by Anonymous

Time to sue oge, ridiculous.. power company. Never have powerCGJX

Posted by Anonymous

Might as well live in the stone age with the azzsholes.. the power is never on, and they will Jack up the cost and say energy cost recovery.. recovery for what? I never had power long enough to recover anything. It's always out.. because oge doesn't do there jobs.. some cleaning up of the power line right of ways would probably save slot of these never ending outages... Quit paying big bonus to lazy CEO and give us the service we pay for.. time for a lawsuit against oge.. we can't choose our power company, so we should sue for all the time, food lost, all the damage it causes.. and endangers our children and older people

Posted by Anonymous

Oge is the worst power company in the United States... The power is always and I mean always off.. quit paying big bonus toyour CEO and keep the power lines clear of limbs.. my power has been of 5 time this month.. pathetic. You dam sure want paid for the electric we use but have the worst service possible.. time for a petition to sue the company... If if oge can't do the julob , they should sell out too some one who can.. I m more than serious a lawsuit is on the way.. it endangers our children, senior citizen and Family s that pay hard earned money too have electric

Posted by Anonymous

If I could have another Electrical Company to hook me up, I surely would. We have been waiting now for well over five weeks for electricity, and now they tell us it's going to be another two and a half weeks? There's absolutely nothing that good of this company, the customer service sucks. They're rude and hateful and they know nothing

Posted by Leigha

To have my service switched to my name it cost me almost $300.then they told me I had a past due balance for a place that doesn't exist. While this bill was in dispute my service was disconnected. Whomever is suppose to be "reviewing" is taking a ridiculous amount of time not to mention its freezing outside. I have given OGE $508.22 this week alone and always pay my bill on time and I have no electricity. Terrible service

Posted by Anonymous

I would like to know why I am still getting a bill for a meter that has been gone for three months now. I have been charged and have called and told them that the pole went down in the wind and they came out and I had them remove the meter at that time and no longer required the service on that account. They said they would cancel it and give me a credit on my regular bill. How in the world can they be reading a meter that they took when the pole went down. I know that $14 plus change is not much in some people's world, but in mine that could be a meal for me and my spouse. Can you tell me how this is happening.

Posted by [email protected]

Ok lets see where to start. I had an account that i turned off after transferring my service since me and my boyfriend had decided not to live together at this time, so he turned service on in his name. Well i had come over to visit and since usually im one that knows how to discuss things with people of its(og&e) nature i called he gave the 1 time permission to talk to me and i was asked if i wanted to be added we kinda said sure.... Well when asked for my social i said absolutely not ure not going to hold my old bill against him we aren't married and dont live together.... Didn't give them any information about me next thing i know my bill became his!!!!! No social given nothing!!!! Well we call to try n straighten it all out and get set up in a payment plan..... Owe 2 days before my payday which was clearly stated and have less than a week to attempt county service help!!! How?!?! Well told no about supervisor was automatically accused of disputing and all I WANNA KNOW IS HOW ITS SO CALLED COMPANY CAN ALLOW A LOW INCOME PERSON BE PLACED ON A PAYMENT PLAN THAT IS PURPOSELY SET 4 FAILURE???? HOW CAN THEY ADD SOMEONE ELSES BILL TO ANOTHER PERSON WHEN THEY DONT LIVE THERE??!!

Posted by customer_one

this from og&e via e-mails...
..."We have reviewed your account and we have already waived a late payment fee on your account within the last twelve months as a courtesy. We will not be able to remove the fee"...
late as in one to two days, i requested the fee to be removed and i ask for the written word on this "courtesy" and received a reply...."You will need to call customer service at 800-272-9741 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm."
however, i did request for the billing due date to be moved out 7 days to avoid any further late fees and og&e did indeed move out the due date. thank you.


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Company News
OG&E customers to see lower fuel costs on bills
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Police warning about man impersonating OG&E employee
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