Dyson vs Dirt Devil

Customer Service Comparisons

Best Customer Service Rating

Dyson has the best overall customer service rating based upon the companies you have selected to compare.

Overall Ratings

Below is a look at the overall customer service ratings provided for each company that is being compared:

CompanyRatingReviewsIssue ResolutionReachabilityCancellationFriendlinessProduct Knowledge
Dirt Devil24.5728

Ratings Breakdown

The rankings listed in the table above were calculated from the following ratings:

  • Dyson has had 257 total customer service ratings of which 34 have been positive and 223 have been negative. This has resulted in an overall classification of Disappointing.
  • Dirt Devil has had 28 total customer service ratings of which 1 have been positive and 27 have been negative. This has resulted in an overall classification of Terrible.

Performance Over Time

The following chart demonstrates the overall customer service rating for the selected companies over time: